Thursday, February 20, 2014


Welcome to my space. 

I have decided to follow my heart and camera and take pictures! For fun and as a business. Why? You ask. It fills my heart in a way that nothing else has. I mean, I am married to the most wonderful man and have two children whom I adore. But this was different.  I feel as though I found my creative side later in life. For those of you who found it early, you rock!  

Listening to the angst folks have around having pictures taken, my not worrying, and then being able to share the end results ~ divine! To have clients say that they LOVE their pictures, that I have captured the "real them", there is nothing like that. Pure joy in my heart.

Like this beautiful woman. She wanted a new head shot. Took me forever to get a real smile. But look!

And this family - they stole my heart!
(ok, bad moment with the kids)

And these two - mom told me that they never get along, the younger is ALWAYS goofing off.  I explained that I have this, no worries.

And, as this is a space for both personal and professional, here are a few personal shots that also make my heart sing.

What about you? What is it that makes your heart sing?

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